Boss Quest Breakdown

Boss Quests can be confusing at first, and sometimes it can be hard to decide wether or not you want to go for the first prize. Here is a breakdown of two Boss Quests with two different strategies.

Boss Quest 1:










When you click the Boss Quest you will get this screen. It shows you the item that you get and the coin amount you will get for completing it. Once you hit the Accept button, you will choose a sworn sword – the better the sworn sword you choose the harder your hits will be – and you will see a countdown of how much time you have left to complete the boss quest (usually between 24 and 48 hours). If you don’t complete the quest in the allotted amount of time you can accept the quest again and you will start where you last left off in the quest. At this point you still win the reward for completing the quest.



After you choose your sworn sword you will get to this screen. Press skip for now so that you can see how hard your average hits will be, and what the rewards will be given for the top 3 contributors.





















Do your first 5 hits to see how far you can get – in this quest, my SS made it completely through part 1 with the first 5 hits which let me know that I could make it to the halfway point relatively quickly if I want to get the first place prize.

Next click the Rewards and Rankings button to get to this screen:



On this page you can see the rewards that you will get upon completion of this challenge (these were shown when you accepted the challenge). Under the rewards for completion you can see what the leader rewards are, who the current leaders are and how much they have contributed.





Click the reward to get the stats, this will help you determine whether or not it is worth your time to try to get first.
















Here you can see the stats for the first place reward – the important aspects are highlighted:

  • First you want to see what type of reward it is (red square). This reward is a unit, which means that it can be placed on a SS (hand and body are also items that can be placed on a SS). Units a.k.a. companions are also harder to come by early in the game, so right off the bat this is a good reward
  • Second, look at the stats that the reward will give the SS that it is placed on. This companion will give 2 points to battle and 2 points to intrigue. Early in the game these stats are better than the other companions you can make to put on your SS – by mid game this will be a pretty weak companion, but it is nonetheless a good thing to have to equip SS that are being used for farming in adventures or AvA
  • The last thing to look at is to see if any percentages get added to the SS that is equipped with the item. Not all items come with a percentage bonus, so anything is good. Since this companion adds 3% to sabotage attacks and defenses it should be placed on a saboteur once it is won.

Now that you have determined to keep the Item, keep hitting until you get just above the halfway point or higher depending on how big your hits are.



Once you have passed the halfway point, you can add friends to help you finish the quest – this will make the quest end much faster so that you can move on to the next challenge.








Back at this screen click invite friend, which will lead you to this screen.









On this screen you can choose which friends you want to invite to the quest – personally I add all of my friends because it gets it done faster, but you are able to pick and choose. When you hit send invitations a raven will be sent to the friends that you invited and they can join the quest right away.








Back at this screen you can also copy a link that you can paste in the alliance chat or on the Facebook page. You will get a much faster response if you post it to the alliance chat.





After a friend has joined the quest you will be able to see them on the add friends screen, the main boss quest page and on the rewards and rankings page.




Here you can see who the top contributors are and how much they have contributed. (Thanks Jonas!)







Once you complete the quest you will be shown the rewards you received. If you were not in the top 3 there will be nothing on the right side of the screen. Your rewards are immediately available to be placed on your sworn swords.

















Boss Quest 2:

















Here you can see that I already went through the first steps of the Boss Quest and after 5 hits I was only able to contribute 79 points – this indicates that it will take a long time for this SS to make it to the midway point of this challenge, so unless the first place prize is VERY good it will not be worth my time.

















The first thing that I notice is that the first place reward is a boon. Boon’s are one time use bonuses that you can add to any action. You will receive many boons throughout the game without having to work for them so they are really not worth wasting time to get. At this point I added all of my friends to help me complete the challenge quickly – if you invite enough friends the challenge may end before you even get the chance to do another hit.

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